Bude AI vyplňovat návrhy projektů?
Zajímá vás, co nám může AI prozradit o benefitech a impaktech daného projektu? Bude AI vyplňovat projektové přihlášky? Zahajujeme kolekci článků na téma AI nástrojů ve VaVaI praxi.
Necelý rok zpátky – každopádně v « předChatGPT-době » – si jeden můj známý, který zrovna podával návrh projektu do jednoho z programů podpory ve VaVaI, posteskl, že místo popisu samotného výzkumu sepisuje slohová cvičení o naplňování « tohoto a támhletoho cíle z toho a onoho strategického dokumentu », vypisuje přínosy pro tu či onu cílovou skupinu… Nebudu napínat. Financování na projekt získal, neb kromě přípravy reálně kvalitního projektu dokázal rovněž sepsat i dostatečně obecné fráze obsahující « ta správná hesla » o synergiích, pozitivních vlivech, nediskriminaci aj. lahodící očím školených oponentů. Nadhodil jsem, že se už těším na dobu, kdy vytváření podobných textů zastanou nástroje NLP (natural language processing). Netušil jsem ovšem, že ona doba není až tak vzdálená – ChatGPT se objevil na scéně několik měsíců poté.
Jelikož hravost je výzkumníkům vlastní ve větší míře než « běžné populaci », nebylo překvapením, že krátce po uvedení ChatGPT do obecného povědomí, se schopnosti ChatGPT staly oblíbeným tématem nevážných rozhovorů i vážných disputací ve výzkumných organizacích, na akademické půdě i v akademickém sklepě – a ve všech patrech akademické hierarchie.
Rádi bychom v rámci ResearchJobs.cz do této diskuse také přispěli. Chystáme proto kolekci několika článků, které se tématem budou zabývat:
- Pokusíme se zamyslet nad otázkou, zda se v nejbližších letech rozevře digitální propast mezi « AI » a « ne-AI » akademickými a výzkumnými pracovníky.
- Představíme si některé AI nástroje, které mohou přispět k vyšší efektivitě výzkumné, resp. akademické práce.
- Podíváme se na to, jak by na daný vývoj mohli/měli reagovat poskytovatelé podpory ve VaVaI.
Abychom se naladili na správnou vlnu, požádali jsme ChatGPT, aby nám ke třem náhodně vybraným projektům programu ÉTA Technologické agentury ČR zodpověděl otázku « What may be the non-economic benefits and impacts of this project? », přičemž projekt byl reprezentován svým názvem a cíli v AJ. (Nejednalo se o otázku, která by byla součástí hodnocení projektu oponenty.)
O úspěšnosti ChatGPT si můžete udělat obrázek podle výstupů níže.
Pokračování příště.
Martin Víta
Zabezpečování na stáří v interakci státní správy a občanů (TL01000491)
Q (prompt): Consider the research project entitled: « Securing for old age in the interaction of government and citizens » with the following aims: « The project aims to create a knowledge base for establishing an appropriate communication strategy of state administration in the field of security in old age targeting a variety of segments of the population and to contribute to the creation of a national action plan for positive aging. Specific application outputs will include 1. “Guide to the strategies of security in old age » for the staff in public administration; and 2.“Manual for security in old age for the citizens » as a background for interactive application or campaign for the application guarantors. Using such outputs will lead to better reflection of the citizens´ needs and transfer them more effectively to media. Citizens will gain a better insight into the possibilities to optimize their strategies of security in old age. » What may be the non-economic benefits and impacts of this project?
A (ChatGPT): The non-economic benefits and impacts of the project « Securing for old age in the interaction of government and citizens » are manifold, and some of them are:
Improved quality of life for elderly citizens: The project aims to contribute to the creation of a national action plan for positive aging. By providing citizens with a manual for security in old age, the project may help them better understand the opportunities and resources available to them to optimize their strategies for security in old age. This, in turn, could lead to an improved quality of life for elderly citizens.
Enhanced social cohesion: The project aims to target a variety of segments of the population, which could help promote social cohesion and inclusion. By providing citizens with a guide to the strategies of security in old age, the project may also help bridge the communication gap between the government and citizens, leading to greater trust and collaboration between the two.
Increased awareness and knowledge: By creating a knowledge base for establishing an appropriate communication strategy of state administration in the field of security in old age, the project may increase awareness and knowledge about the challenges faced by elderly citizens. This may help citizens and policymakers better understand the needs of the elderly, leading to more effective policy and service delivery.
Improved policymaking: The project may also contribute to improved policymaking by providing policymakers with a better understanding of the needs of elderly citizens. By providing staff in public administration with a guide to the strategies of security in old age, the project may also help improve the quality of policymaking and service delivery.
Capacity building: The project may contribute to capacity building among public administration staff, citizens, and other stakeholders involved in the delivery of services to the elderly. By providing a manual for security in old age, the project may help build the capacity of citizens to optimize their strategies for security in old age, leading to improved outcomes for all stakeholders involved.
Overall, the project « Securing for old age in the interaction of government and citizens » has the potential to bring about significant non-economic benefits and impacts by improving the quality of life of elderly citizens, enhancing social cohesion, increasing awareness and knowledge, improving policymaking, and building capacity among stakeholders involved in the delivery of services to the elderly.
Strategické nástroje pro utváření bezbariérového prostoru města (TL01000013)
Q (prompt): Consider the research project entitled: « Strategic tools for building a barrier-free city » with the following aims: « The project will provide two interconnected packages of strategic tools for management of the removal of barriers within the public space of the city: 1) tools for system decision making (specialized maps, priority list, strategic plan and action plan for removal of barriers), 2) tools facilitating communication – information system (IS) with non-public part (communication of self-government actors) and with the public part (collection of suggestions from the public, procedure of implementation of individual adjustments, justification of unresolved incentives…). The final publication of the « Good examples of barrier-free implementation » project will also include the methodological approach of the entire project and will serve to disseminate all outputs of the project. » What may be the non-economic benefits and impacts of this project?
A (ChatGPT): The « Strategic tools for building a barrier-free city » research project can have significant non-economic benefits and impacts, such as:
Increased accessibility: By providing strategic tools for the management of removing barriers, the project can improve the accessibility of the public space for people with disabilities and elderly individuals, enabling them to participate more fully in the social and economic life of the city.
Enhanced social inclusion: A barrier-free city promotes social inclusion and cohesion, as people of all abilities can interact and participate in community activities.
Improved quality of life: Removing barriers in the public space can increase the quality of life for individuals with disabilities, elderly individuals, and families with strollers or young children, by providing them with greater independence, mobility, and access to services and activities.
Empowerment of citizens: The project’s information system can empower citizens to participate in decision-making processes by collecting and incorporating their suggestions, which can foster a sense of ownership and engagement in the development of their city.
Increased awareness and understanding: The project can raise awareness and understanding of the importance of accessibility and inclusion, leading to a more informed and empathetic community.
Knowledge dissemination: The final publication of the project’s good examples of barrier-free implementation can serve as a valuable resource for other cities and organizations seeking to improve accessibility and inclusion.
Overall, the « Strategic tools for building a barrier-free city » project can have far-reaching non-economic benefits and impacts that can positively influence the social fabric and quality of life of a community.
Člověk a bezpečnost v dopravě v souvislosti s rozvojem světelných technologií (TL02000183)
Q (prompt): Consider the research project entitled: « Human and traffic safety in the development of lighting technologies » with the following aims: « The main objective is to analyze the process and the degree of human (driver, pedestrian) adaptation to and visual perception of new types of light sources, e.g. LEDs, especially in terms of traffic safety and ergonomics (HMI, UX – User Experience). The issue will be studied through questionnaire and instrumentation methods from the point of view of various stakeholders – drivers, pedestrians, representatives of OEM manufacturers and automotive and traffic safety in general. The output of the project will include, among other things, a final report summarizing the findings of the investigations carried out and a certified methodology presenting recommendations for OEM manufacturers of headlamps, automobile manufacturers and other organizations dealing with automotive lighting technologies. » What may be the non-economic benefits and impacts of this project?
A (ChatGPT): The non-economic benefits and impacts of this research project could be:
Improved human safety: The primary focus of the research project is to analyze the degree of human adaptation and visual perception of new types of light sources in terms of traffic safety and ergonomics. The findings of the project can potentially lead to recommendations for OEM manufacturers of headlamps, automobile manufacturers, and other organizations dealing with automotive lighting technologies that could improve human safety on the roads.
Better user experience: The research project aims to study the issue through questionnaire and instrumentation methods from the point of view of various stakeholders, including drivers and pedestrians. By analyzing the user experience of these stakeholders, the project may suggest changes that could enhance the overall experience of using new lighting technologies.
Increased awareness: The project’s findings and recommendations could be shared with the public, leading to increased awareness and knowledge about the importance of traffic safety and the role of lighting technologies in achieving it.
Advancements in technology: The research project’s findings could help manufacturers and organizations involved in automotive lighting technologies to develop more efficient and effective lighting systems that better meet the needs of users.
Improved road infrastructure: The findings of the project may also be used by policymakers and infrastructure planners to create safer roads and implement more effective traffic safety measures.