Czech-French-AI Workshop

The French Embassy in Prague, the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Inria and the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics CTU in Prague (Czech Technical University – CTU) organize the first Czech-French-AI Workshop on 12 and 13 September 2022 in Prague, Czech Republic.

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« Women in Science: the gender variable » – Panel discussion and documentary (14. 3. online / in person)

Why do we need gender balance in every area of science? What misconceptions and difficulties are women and girls facing?  In science systems and institutions, how do we move from mere gender awareness to effective and transformative actions? What are the key levers to trigger the necessary changes? The panel discussion will focus on sharing experiences between three speakers coming from different professional and cultural backgrounds and promote best practices from the field as triggers for real-life changes.

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Solar Impulse: the impossible world tour with Bertrand Piccard (March 14, Kino 35)

During the Francophonie Days, in collaboration with the Swiss Embassy, ​​the Institut Français in Prague welcomes Bertrand Piccard, famous Swiss psychiatrist, explorer and environmentalist, on Monday March 14, in Kino 35. Recognized worldwide as the co-creator and co-pilot of the « Solar Impulse », the solar-energy-using plane, he completed the first world tour aboard a plane that uses no fuel and produces no polluting emissions, during the flight!

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Po bezprecedentních a zločinných krocích Ruska ve vztahu k Ukrajině jsme se bez váhání rozhodli zapojit se do aktivit na podporu ukrajinských akademických a výzkumných pracovníků a pracovnic. Během pátku 25. 2. jsme zkušebně spustili po koordinaci s Czexpats in Science sekci, na které se zejména agreguje nabídka pracovních pozic vhodných pro naše ukrajinské kolegy a kolegyně.

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