„Women in Science: the gender variable“ – Panel discussion and documentary (14. 3. online / in person)
Why do we need gender balance in every area of science? What misconceptions and difficulties are women and girls facing? In science systems and institutions, how do we move from mere gender awareness to effective and transformative actions? What are the key levers to trigger the necessary changes?
The panel discussion will focus on sharing experiences between three speakers coming from different professional and cultural backgrounds and promote best practices from the field as triggers for real-life changes.
The panel discussion will be followed by the screening of the French documentary „La science a mauvais genre“ („Misgendering science“ – in French with English subtitles), by Laure Delalex.
Attendance to the panel discussion either
- in person at Kampus Hybernská, Charles University in Prague. Limited in-person attendance
- or online (connection details later sent to online registrated participants)
Upon registration before March 11th 2022
Kampus Hybernská, Praha 1