DIANA Biotechnologies, s.r.o.
DIANA Biotechnologies, a.s. was established in 2018 as a spin-off company of the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry (IOCB), Academy of Sciences in Prague. Since then we have built successful R&D and commercial activities in three main segments: human molecular diagnostics, small molecule drug discovery and monoclonal antibody development. We already have our products on the molecular diagnostic market and we have become the largest manufacturer of PCR tests for COVID-19 in the Czech Republic – we have brought sensitive and the most patient-friendly PCR tests from saliva to the market, multiplied the Czech testing capacity and at the same time reduced the price of the tests.
We continue our mission to provide own products in diverse biotech areas as well as developing our own original medical drugs. Combining in our team a unique set of expertise in medical & organic chemistry, biochemistry, and pharmacology we are set to pursue long-term and ambitious development projects with global impact.
In our diagnostics unit, we are building a portfolio of detection assays utilizing the DIANA’s ultra-high sensitivity, allowing the detection of medically relevant targets from a tiny amount of sample. Our drug discovery unit is providing complex CRO services ranging from assay development, HTS screening of small-molecular libraries and ADME pharmacology testing. Utilizing our collaborations, we are also developing some of our own early drug-discovery programs.
The company is now based in its own research facility in a biotechnology hub in Vestec near Prague and has established collaborations with range of industrial and academic partners.
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