
Presented project is focusing on the preparation and testing of various photocatalytic material for conversion of CO2 into higher oxygenates (aldehydes or alcohols). Suitable candidate (having already PhD degree) will be involved in the synthesis and detailed characterization of prepared photocatalysts utilizing TiO2 and carbon based semiconductors, optimization of their production and consequent testing using in-house build photoreactor. To enhanced photocatalytic activity semiconductor will be combined with N-doped porous carbon containing single atom catalytic metals to enhanced production of higher oxygenates. In the next step, candidate will be involved in the testing of photocatalysts properties (particle size and internal morphology) and recycling strategies (filtration, immobilization, packed bed etc). Suitable candidate should have hands-on experience with the synthesis and characterization (e.g., XRD, ERD, XPS, FTIR, UV-DRS, PL) of photocatalytic materials (TiO2 or carbon based) as well as their testing.