In accordance with the The Competitive Hiring Process Code of Charles University, the Dean of the Faculty of Science of Charles University announces a competitive hiring process with a deadline for applications March 29, 2025
For non-faculty applicants, a selection procedure for the position of an academic staff member in the field of environmental science is announced at the same time.
Application Instructions
Application, which you can download here https://natur.cuni.cz/en/faculty/official-board/selection-procedures, with cover letter, curriculum vitae, list of publications, diplomas, research and teaching statement, must be send within 30 days from the announcement of the tender to the e-mail address: volnamista@natur.cuni.cz with subject “Výběrové řízení.”
Workplace development conception is also needed for the position of the Head of the Department or the Director of the Institute.
The necessary condition for the performance of the function of a manager is full time.
If a candidate applies for more than one position, you must submit a separate application form for each selected position.
Candidates who progress to the second round of the selection procedure will be invited to an interview. The interview may be conducted by means of information and communication technology if justified, at the request of the candidate.
By sending your application, you agree that Charles University, Faculty of Science will process your personal data for the purpose of keeping records of job seekers in accordance with applicable laws.
- Active international research and teaching activities in the field of environmental science, administrative activities.
Required Documents
- filled-in application form
- structured CV
- list of scientific and publication activity
- education credentials, proof of academic degrees and ranks
- an outline of the department’s development concept
Job offer code: 202503-VED-PřF-7500-016
Published: 2025-02-27
Starting date by agreement: No
Duration: 3 years
Contract for an indefinite period: No