
Workplace: Institute of Plant Molecular Biology
Department: Plant biophysics and biochemistry
Employment relationship: Employment contract
Job type: Researcher
Researcher profile: R1
Duration: Fixed-term
Job status: Part-time
Job starting date: 1. 1. 2025
Application deadline: 10. 10. 2024


The PhD student will be enrolled in University of South Bohemia, Faculty of Sciences, and will carry out his/her research in the Laboratory of Plant Biophysics & Biochemistry (https://webserver.umbr.cas.cz/~kupper/AG_Kuepper_Homepage.html) at the Institute of Plant Molecular Biology (IPMB), Czech Academy of Sciences, Ceske Budejovice. The main research focus of the group is investigating trace metal metabolism in plants, using cutting edge techniques for metal localization and speciation analyses and metalloproteomics using and metal hyperaccumulating plants. The project will be carried out under joint supervision of prof. Hendrik Küpper and Dr. Filis Morina.

The IPMB (https://www.bc.cas.cz/en/homepage/) is a dynamic, multi-disciplinary environment working in fields ranging from plant biophysics to cell biology and genomics, and offers a stimulating academic environment.

Thesis project: Metal-induced resistance in pepper against Botrytis cinerea infection
The project will investigate how micronutrient priming contributes to plant immunity against the necrotrophic pathogen Botrytis cinerea in crop plants (Capsicum annuum) and Arabidopis thaliana. You will use a multidisciplinary approach with a focus on biochemistry and biophysics, plant physiology and molecular genetics, to reveal the metal-binding proteins and low molecular weight ligands that are contributing to plant defence against pathogens.
The successful candidate should be interested in the regulation of metal metabolism and plant pathogen response and their underlying molecular mechanisms, be highly motivated, rigorous and willing to work in a team, with experience of basic laboratory techniques such as analyses of photosynthesis, biochemical assays (protein work), plant cultivation and molecular genetics (qPCR, cloning). The working language of the laboratory is English.


  • Min. education level: Master’s degree
  • Field of education: Biochemistry, Biophysics, Plant Physiology, Plant Biology, Plant Molecular Biology or a related field
  • Proficiency in English – oral and written
  • Experience in biochemistry, plant physiology, basic computer skills (incl. statistical analyses)
  • Motivation to learn new techniques and drive your research forward


  • PhD study, possible start in January 2025, usually lasting 4 years until the final defence
  • Exciting projects about metal-based immunity in plants
  • Financial support by a PhD fellowship & part-time employment
  • Support for career development and mentoring
  • International team, collaborations and opportunities to travel
  • Administrative support with relocation & settlement in the Czech Republic


  • 5 weeks (25 working days) of paid holiday per year
  • Subsidized lunches in our own canteen
  • Standard health insurance and social security
  • Benefits from Social fund and student benefits
  • Working in a stable, prestigious research institution of international importance
  • Welcome service and further support for foreigners (HR Award)
  • English speaking, friendly & stimulating international working environment
  • Work-life balance in a middle-sized university city offering options for outdoor, sport & cultural activities
  • Free language classes – Czech for foreigners, English for Czechs (the capacity is limited)
  • Opportunity to take part in mentoring programmes as a mentor or a mentee
  • Concessionary services at the contractual operator and bank
  • Access to accommodation in dormitories at the campus shared by the BC and the USB


Conditions of contract
Employment can start on 1st January 2025, or later depending on mutual agreement. The contract will be initially for three months of probation period. The contract may be extended for up to four years total in which the PhD should be completed. According to Czech standards for doing a PhD, the student’s full-time work on the project will be financed by the University through a PhD fellowship that is granted for up to four years, and by a part-time (initially 50%) working contract with the Institute at the Czech Academy of Science. In addition to the work on the project, the student has to attend PhD student courses at the University of South Bohemia and earn credits through exams in order to qualify for the award of the PhD. In this way, it should be clear that the work on the PhD is part of education and not a standard job, requiring dedication of the student.

Evaluation procedure and Announcement of results
The position will be filled once the evaluation committee has found a well suitable candidate. We will contact only potentially successful candidates and invite them min. 3 days in advance for an interview to be held as a Skype or Zoom videoconference, and candidates will be informed of the result max. 2 weeks after the interview.

The Biology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences holds the HR Excellence in Research Award. Our selection process meets European standards for recruitment of researchers (https://www.bc.cas.cz/en/employees/candidates/otm-r/) and we provide our employees from abroad with welcome service (visa application, administration, relocation & settlement support). Gender equality plan (https://www.bc.cas.cz/en/about-us/gender-equality) has been accepted in 2022.

The Biology Centre is located in České Budějovice (2 hours south of the capital Prague), a middle-sized city with ca. 100K inhabitants, relaxed atmosphere, over 750 years of tradition and a breathtaking countryside around. Both the town and the surrounding countryside provide numerous opportunities for research and leisure activities. There is also a growing international expert community at the Biology Centre CAS (BC CAS) and the University of South Bohemia (USB). In addition, the living costs are still low by international standards. Check out our Guide for Expats (https://www.bc.cas.cz/en/employees) to read about life in the city and the Czech Republic.


Interested candidates should apply until 10th October 2024 by submitting the following documents as one complete pdf file via our official website (https://jobs.bc.cas.cz/en/detail/218):

  • A motivation letter (max. 1000 words) explaining why the candidate believes to be suitable for this post
  • A detailed CV including lists of publications if any, other achievements and previous professional experience
  • Academic transcripts and diplomas (scanned copies)
  • A list of at least two referees
    If you have any queries, you may contact Dr Filis Morina or prof. Hendrik Küpper via email: morina@umbr.cas.cz or Hendrik.kuepper@umbr.cas.cz.