

Auxin is a hormone crucial for plant development. Due to intensive research in past yeast, the main auxin-dependent pathways have been well described. In contrast, alternative splicing (AS) impacts >70% of plant genes, but its real purpose remains enigmatic. It is not known which proportion of the alternative transcripts carry a detectable physiological function or which are even translated.
We have recently presented how alternative splicing impacts the function of the major auxin transporter PIN7 (Kashkan et al., 2022). The goal of the proposed project is to characterize several candidate evolutionally conserved AS events (Timofeyenko et al., 2023) controlling expression of key genes involved in auxin-dependent processes. By combining molecular biological, bioinformatics and proteomics approaches, we aim to examine whether and how these events impact auxin-dependent plant development.

Supervisor: Kamil Růžička

We offer:

Funded position (PhD 4 years) at old traditional university, inspiring environment of a small international group, adequate material support, state-of-art institutional facilities.

Position is available immediately with negotiable starting date. Apply now!

Methods: molecular cloning, advanced microscopy, developmental genetics, transcriptomics

We expect: Motivation, creativity, enthusiasm.

Contact: kamil.ruzicka@ueb.cas.cz


Timofeyenko et al. (2023), New Phytol. 238(4):1722-1732, Kashkan et al. (2022), New Phytol. 233(1):329-343, Kashkan et al. (2022), Quant Plant Biol 3:e14