
Tenure Track Research Positions in Complex Networks and Brain Dynamics

The Institute of Computer Sciences of the Czech Academy of Sciences (ICS CAS), Prague, Czech Republic, invites applications for tenure‐track positions in Computer Science and related areas fitting and/or expanding some of its current research areas.

The Complex Networks and Brain Dynamics group (https://cobra.cs.cas.cz/) invites applicants with interest to develop research agenda at the border of computer science & AI with neuroscience & complex systems research. For informal inquiries write to Jaroslav Hlinka at hlinka@cs.cas.cz.

We offer a full-time position, which includes the following benefits:

  • Freedom and support to develop an independent research program.
  • Flexible working conditions, including the option to work part-time.
  • Initial salary matching the local price level (monthly gross salary 55-70 thousand CZK based on qualifications and experience – approx.  47-58 thousand CZK net salary including non-taxable benefits). Salary top-up based on regular evaluations and successful grant applications  (20-100% / FTE on grants). Annual bonuses based on research performance.
  • Travel package up to 100 000 CZK for conferences and research stays.
  • Five weeks of paid vacation on top of public holidays; social and health care insurance; child care facilities in the institute’s building; highly attractive and safe location (Prague).

We encourage you to apply, if you:

  • hold a Ph.D. degree,
  • have an excellent research record in a relevant field (relative to your career stage),
  • show the potential to build an independent research group and acquire research funding.

Conditions of contract:
You will be appointed for up to 3 years initially and your performance will be evaluated towards the end of this period. In case of a positive review, you will be eligible for an extension or a tenured appointment. Your involvement in graduate teaching programs and supervising graduate students will not be mandatory, yet welcomed by the Institute.

To apply, submit your application to jobs@cs.cas.cz, including:

  • cover letter in which you describe your motivation and qualifications for the position,
  • CV including a list of publications,  description of 3 most important research achievements,
    description of your scientific interests and plans + potential collaborations within and outside of the institute.
  • Contact hlinka@cs.cas.cz for consulting the outline prior to submission.
  • 3 letters of recommendation which will be sent by the referees directly to jobs@cs.cas.cz.

The closing date for application is 31th March 2025. Expected starting date upon agreement.

About us: The Complex Networks and Brain Dynamics group (https://cobra.cs.cas.cz/) focuses on the development and application of methods of analysis and modelling of real-world complex networked systems, with particular interest in the structure and dynamics of human brain function. Our main research areas are: Brain networks (Neuroimaging data analysis, Brain dynamics modelling), Causal interaction inference (Causality and information flow inference, Nonlinearity and nonstationarity), Complex network analysis (Graph theory, Machine learning and multivariate statistics, Application in neuroscience, climate research, economics, …). COBRA is a part of the Department of Complex Systems of the Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences.  The Czech Academy of Sciences is the largest organization conducting foundational research in the Czech Republic.