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Assistant Professor for Department of Geological Sciences
Přírodovědecká fakulta MU (Jihomoravský kraj)
Workplace: Department of Geological Sciences, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic Type of Contract: permanent, academic Working Hours: 0,6 FTE (part-time employment of 24 hours per week) Expected Start Date: 01.04.2025 Number of Open Positions: 1 Pay: min. CZK 22020 per month (at 24h/week) Application Deadline: 22.03.2025 EU Researcher Profile: R2 About…
the position Post-doc in Environmental Science at Faculty of Environment, UJEP
UJEP (Ústecký kraj)
Dean of the Faculty of environment at UJEP in Usti nad Labem announces a selection procedure for the position Post-doc in Environmental Science at Faculty of Environment, UJEP Number of vacancies: 1 Workload: 100 % of full-time employment Expected start date: October 2025 Expected end date: December 2026 (with the possible extension for another 12…
Dendroecological and Dendrochemical researcher at UJEP, Usti nad Labem
UJEP (Ústecký kraj)
Dean of the Faculty of environment at UJEP in Usti nad Labem announces a selection procedure for the position of a Dendroecological and Dendrochemical researcher Dendroecological and Dendrochemical research at UJEP, Usti nad Labem UJEP is looking for a PhD student to work with the themes of Dendroecology and Dendrochemistry. The general aim of the…
Director of the Department of Geological Sciences
Přírodovědecká fakulta MU (Jihomoravský kraj)
Workplace: Department of Geological Sciences, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University Brno, Czech Republic Type of Contract: Fixed-term contract for a maximum of 2×4 years according to the Statute of SCI MU, non-academic Working Hours: 1,0 FTE (full-time employment of 40 hours per week) Expected Start Date: by agreement Number of Open Positions: 1 Application Deadline:…
Research software engineer
Přírodovědecká fakulta MU - RECETOX (Jihomoravský kraj)
Bursar of the Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, announces an open competition for the position Research software engineer Workplace: RECETOX, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic Type of Contract: temporary position with a 1-year contract (with possible extension), non-academic Working Hours: 1,0 FTE (full-time employment of 40 hours per week) Expected Start…
Vedoucí výzkumné skupiny Energetické využití odpadů
Centrum energetických a environmentálních technologií VŠB-TUO (Moravskoslezský kraj)
Ředitelka Institutu environmentálních technologií Vysoké školy báňské – Technické univerzity Ostrava vypisuje výběrové řízení na pozici Vedoucí výzkumné skupiny Energetické využití odpadů (VaV zaměstnanec/zaměstnankyně) Požadovaná odbornost: tepelná technika a termické metody zpracování odpadů. Popis pozice Hledáme zkušeného a motivovaného odborníka na pozici vedoucího výzkumné skupiny „Energetické využití odpadů“. Tato pozice je klíčová pro naše výzkumné…
Interdisciplinary postdoc fellowship in biogeochemical ecology (2.5 years in Prague)
Fakulta životního prostředí ČZU (Hlavní město Praha)
We offer a full-time postdoctoral position (2.5-year contract) in an interdisciplinary field encompassing biogeochemistry, ecotoxicology, ecology, and environmental science. The successful candidate will join the research team of Markéta Zárybnická at the Dept. of Ecology in collaboration with Vladislav Chrastný at the Dept. of Environmental Geosciences, both at the Czech University of Life Sciences in…