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C - Chemie

C - Chemie

Pracovní pozice vznikla za finanční podpory Evropské unie v rámci projektu LERCO s reg. číslem CZ.10.03.01/00/22_003/0000003, prostřednictvím Operačního programu spravedlivá transformace. Děkan Lékařské fakulty Ostravské univerzity vypisuje výběrové řízení k obsazení místa: Excelentní a Klíčový/á pracovník/pracovnice se zaměřením na mikroskopii a biofyziku Typ systemizovaného místa: Výzkumník III. Předpokládaný nástup do pracovního poměru: Duben 2025 nebo dle…

Plný úvazek
Postdoctoral and PhD positions in catalytic organic synthesis

Postdoctoral and PhD positions in catalytic organic synthesis

Ústav organické chemie a biochemie AV ČR (Hlavní město Praha)

The group of Paulo Paioti at IOCB in Prague has open positions for postdoctoral research and PhD studies, as part of the ERC project titled “Catalytic Atroposelective Synthesis for Revealing Elusive Bioactive Conformations and Shapes”. The selected candidates will develop catalytic methods for atropisomer synthesis and apply them in medicinal chemistry. IOCB-related activities and PhD…

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Come to CEITEC MU in Brno and join us! We are passionate chemists at CEITEC looking for PhD Candidate/Student of Computational Quantum Chemistry About this position: Do you have a passion for understanding the electronic structure of molecules? Join our team! We focus on the relationship between molecular/electronic structure and spectroscopic parameters, especially those in magnetic…

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Dean of Faculty of Safety Engineering VSB – Technical University of Ostrava announces a selection procedure for a post of Senior Researcher/Associate Professor or equivalent (R3) in Zero-carbon and Low-Carbon fuel safety The position is suitable for both women and men.   About the CESAR Centre We are seeking a highly motivated professor to join the CESAR…

Plný úvazek
Postdoctoral researcher (R2) in Zero-carbon and Low-Carbon fuel safety

Postdoctoral researcher (R2) in Zero-carbon and Low-Carbon fuel safety

Fakulta bezpečnostního inženýrství VŠB-TUO (Moravskoslezský kraj)

Dean of Faculty of Safety Engineering VSB – Technical University of Ostrava announces a selection procedure for a post of Postdoctoral researcher (R2) in Zero-carbon and Low-Carbon fuel safety The position is suitable for both women and men.   About the CESAR Centre We are seeking a highly motivated professor to join the CESAR Centre (Centre…

Plný úvazek
Postdoctoral researcher (R2) in Hydrogen Safety

Postdoctoral researcher (R2) in Hydrogen Safety

Fakulta bezpečnostního inženýrství VŠB-TUO (Moravskoslezský kraj)

Dean of Faculty of Safety Engineering VSB – Technical University of Ostrava announces a selection procedure for a post of Postdoctoral researcher (R2) in Hydrogen Safety The position is suitable for both women and men.   About the CESAR Centre We are seeking a highly motivated professor to join the CESAR Centre (Centre of Excellence for…

Plný úvazek
Research Director/Professor (R4) in Hydrogen Safety

Research Director/Professor (R4) in Hydrogen Safety

Fakulta bezpečnostního inženýrství VŠB-TUO (Moravskoslezský kraj)

Dean of Faculty of Safety Engineering VSB – Technical University of Ostrava announces a selection procedure for a post of Research Director/Professor (R4) in Hydrogen Safety The position is suitable for both women and men.   About the CESAR Centre We are seeking a highly motivated professor to join the CESAR Centre (Centre of Excellence for Safety…

Plný úvazek

Brno University of Technology is a prestigious university with a stable background and a 120-year tradition not only in the field of technology. The Institute of Chemistry and Technology of Environmental Protection is inviting applications from qualified candidates for the position of Academic will have the unique opportunity to work with modern devices. The dean…

Plný úvazek
Cotutelle PhD position in physics of 2D materials

Cotutelle PhD position in physics of 2D materials

Ústav fyzikální chemie J. Heyrovského AV ČR (Hlavní město Praha)

A top research institute in the Czech Republic, named after the Czech Nobel Laureate in Chemistry J. Heyrovsky, offers a Cotutelle PhD position in physics of 2D materials. Type of contract: Temporary (1 – 4 years) Job status: Full time Starting date: 01. 06. 2025 Link to the department’s website: www.nanocarbon.cz Job description We are…

Plný úvazek
New PhD topics in Experimental and Computational Biophysics

New PhD topics in Experimental and Computational Biophysics

Ústav fyzikální chemie J. Heyrovského AV ČR (Hlavní město Praha)

New PhD topics in Experimental and Computational Biophysics at the Department of Biophysical Chemistry at the J. Heyrovský Institute, Prague (the group of Radek Šachl) and the Department of Mathematics, Informatics and Cybernetics at the University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague (the group of Mario Vazdar). The J. Heyrovský Institute is a leading and prestigious research institution in the Czech Republic. It is…

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