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I - Informatika

I - Informatika

Research software engineer

Research software engineer

Přírodovědecká fakulta MU - RECETOX (Jihomoravský kraj)

Bursar of the Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, announces an open competition for the position Research software engineer Workplace: RECETOX, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic Type of Contract: temporary position with a 1-year contract (with possible extension), non-academic Working Hours: 1,0 FTE (full-time employment of 40 hours per week) Expected Start…

Plný úvazek

Laser Shock Peening (LSP) se používá ke zlepšení pevnosti a únavové odolnosti komponent jejich povrchovým zpevněním. V…


Laser shock peening (LSP) is used to improve the strength and fatigue resistance of components by hardening their surface. In our lab…

Scientific backend developer in data management

Scientific backend developer in data management

Biotechnologický ústav AV ČR, v. v. i. (Středočeský kraj)

The Institute of Biotechnology of the Czech Academy of Sciences announces an open position: Scientific backend developer in data management We are looking for an enthusiast to join our team focused on management of biophysical data within the European project MOSBRI and the National Repository Platform. We offer work connected to development of data management…

Plný úvazek
Assistant Professor in Theoretical Computer Science

Assistant Professor in Theoretical Computer Science

Fakulta informatiky MU (Jihomoravský kraj)

Dean of the Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University announces an open competition for the position: Assistant Professor in Theoretical Computer Science   Number of open positions: 1 Application deadline: 30th April 2025 Working Hours: full-time (40 hours per week) Expected start: September 2025, by mutual agreement Employment: 3-year initial contract (with possible extension – tenure track) Workplace: Faculty of Informatics – Department…

Plný úvazek
AI pro akciový trh

AI pro akciový trh

Centrum Radius (Hlavní město Praha)

Strojové učení nabízí nové a vzrušující nástroje pro analýzu širokých témat ve finančních časových řadách….

Deep learning the stock market

Deep learning the stock market

Centrum Radius (Hlavní město Praha)

Machine learning offers new and exciting tools to analyse broad topics in financial time series. In particular, understanding stock…

AI pro výzkum gravitačních vln

AI pro výzkum gravitačních vln

Centrum Radius (Hlavní město Praha)

Objev gravitačních vln přinesl revoluci v moderní fyzice a otevřel nový pozorovací pohled na vesmír. V rámci tohoto projektu…

Deep learning tools for gravitational wave science

Deep learning tools for gravitational wave science

Centrum Radius (Hlavní město Praha)

The discovery of gravitational waves has brought a revolution in modern physics, opening up a new observational window into the…

IT Support

IT Support

Nebion an Immunai company (Hlavní město Praha)

About Immunai: Immunai is an engineering-first platform company aiming to improve therapeutic decision-making throughout the drug discovery and development process. We are mapping the immune system at unprecedented scale and granularity and applying machine learning to this massive clinico-immune database, in order to generate novel insights into disease pathology for our partners – pharma companies…

Plný úvazek

Česká verze

(pro CZ/SK)

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